
Body Dysmorphia For This Week’s Tidbits


Recently I was accused of having body dysmorphia “issues”. 

Wikipedia classifies Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a mental disorder characterized by an obsessive preoccupation that some aspect of one’s own appearance is severely flawed and warrants exceptional measures to hide or fix it.[1] In BDD’s delusional variant, the flaw is imagined.[2] If the flaw is actual, its importance is severely exaggerated.[2] Either way, one’s thoughts about it are pervasive and intrusive, occupying up to several hours a day.


and the definition goes on……..

Let’s just say that I thought the statement was somewhat humorous, and a completely stupid accusation!

For those that know me, and those that know me well that the statement is so far from the truth I just don’t know where to begin refuting it, so much so that I won’t. What strikes me is the need for these types of individuals to get in my face and declare they know me better than my own self. If we look at Wikipedia’s definition closely and that of other classifications, it would suggest that I spend hours a day occupying my time over what I construe as flaws, again I cannot begin to start where this is so wrong!


Sexy This Week; Strong Arms

STW strong arms 2

Men spend a lot of time and a great deal of care working their arms, their biceps, triceps, and deltoids into works of art, sculpted marble, muscles that move and flex like molten lead. The women work as equally hard, doing the same thing, only to varying degrees in producing the desired shape, size and tone. Beautiful muscles well defined, stretching over bone and cartilage making strong arms, that’s what sexy this week.

STW strong arms 3Big strong arms of a man to wrap around you, smother and hold tight, arms to touch and caress, or simply admire from afar. The delicate sinews and sensuous arms of a woman, smooth and soft, shapely and strong capable of a long embrace. (more…)

Tidbits; Interview with Romeo Reyes

Here is an interview I recently did with Romeo Reyes of Zen Tattoo, who also happens to be one of my tattoo artists. Romeo is a FtM on his journey  of life and asked if I would sit for him! Being the media whore I am naturally I said yes!! Watch my shy self all casual in a chat with Romeo!! OOXX  Find Romeo here

Podcasts: Transister; Naughty Cross Dressers

Velvet Steele Transister

Naughty Cross Dressers

Originally Released; Sep 15, 2012

Learning while watching Mom apply makeup, cosmetic tattooing, cross dressers and forced feminization, fake pussies (sheath vaginas) and masturbation using items from, iphone app that helps trans find gender neutral washrooms, a transgender Florida candidate and Oxford University rewrites its dress code.
