
Review of the Lip Love 8 Mode Suction Pleasure Toy

silicone suction toy

Lip Love, a little hidden gem tucked away in a discrete little black box, another delightful surprise from the folks at

The Lip Love, from what the box says, is made in Berlin, Germany and meets all the European standards for physical, environmental and recycling requirements. Something I truly love and advocate for because again, some manufacturers in the sex toy industry, just don’t seem to give a damn what we put on or in our bodies. 

silicone suction toy

In this day and age, the advancement of these delicious works of art, have truly taken on a very life form catering to the diverse needs of every consumer. The Lip Love is no exception. Nestled inside the box in it’s foam holder is the vibrant pink beauty that resembles a seed pod from some exotic plant with what looks like an eye irrigation cup atop a silver collar on the on the opposite end. 

silicone suction toy

It’s sleek and sexy and cradles very comfortably in either hand with two control buttons that are easy to use, and decipher, facing towards the user or away from. One button for on/off and pause, the other to toggle through the 8 vibration and……….sucking modes. Yes that’s right sucking!  

This little baby is designed with vibration and suction in mind for those needing a little more stimulation than the average run of the mill vibration. Ok, so the vibration comes from the motor providing the suction. It’s all in the suction that the action takes place! Three straight up suction settings, low, medium, high, and a further five variable suction settings. 

pink silicone suction toy

It’s strong and intense, trust me I’ve tested it at great length, and absolutely love it. I will say that the strengths of suction may be a little too intense for the overly sensitive and suggest new users proceed with caution. However it won’t take long for the new, to become seasoned users, and I can assure you of that! 

Aside from the obvious suggestion in the name of the device, the Lip Love is not just for use on the nether regions of women, but has exciting applications for use on the nipples as well. Let’s not stop there, it’s wonderful for all genders. This little pink devil is also fabulous on all regions below the belt. I won’t go into detail here, because that’s another story all together, but I’m sure if your creative you can figure it out. 🙂 


Commodity Me!

featured image

commodity[ kuh-mod-i-tee ]SHOW IPA
noun, plural com·mod·i·ties.
an article of trade or commerce, especially a product as distinguished from a service.
something of use, advantage, or value.
Stock Exchange. any unprocessed or partially processed good, as grain, fruits, and vegetables, or precious metals.
Obsolete. a quantity of goods.

I’m a commodity, commodity me! Most of us know what “commodity’ means, when applied to inanimate objects, but when applied to living beings, heavens forbid, a furor ensues. The belief held by many, that human beings just cannot, be commodified! Well guess what, you’re wrong!

I’m a sex worker, a service provider of fetish and a good portion of interests therein. I write a ‘good portion’ simply because I have my boundaries, I’m not a “free for all” provider, but a professional that caters to a select set of interests. Just ask me, I’ll gladly supply you with that info.


Ageism, It’s Plain Ugly


prejudice or discrimination on the grounds of a person’s age.

Let’s be honest, there is no better to way to describe ageism but as plain ugly, and for many engaged in sex work, they too are no strangers to the ageist attitudes of those ugly enough to inflict it.

Sex work is complex delicate work that nurtures the souls of those that seek out the services of providers gracious enough to that provide what they need. A delicate nurturing of mind, body, and soul, so it’s no wonder that those who become attached to their provider, stick with them for a very long time. Over the course of that relationship factors that usually dictate otherwise are obvious, retirement, an address change to a new city or location, and in many circumstances, even death. Just to name a few.

Sex work is an industry that has nurtured a youthful appearance towards sex and sexuality, in favour of overlooking the fact, the population ages. That sex is only for and had by the physically young, which begs the question; what of the young at heart, mind, and soul? Bonds between a client and provider are forged in steel and for those that are willing to go that extra mile, these bonds can be everlasting.


Lip Prints


Lip prints left behind for all to enjoy!

The application of lipstick truly is an art form. Luscious lips enhanced in vivid sensual colours to enlarge, define and captivate curious onlookers are all the rage world wide. Well maybe not the “rage”, but certainly a fashion statement that for those in the know are worn well for all the right reasons.

Reasons of my own, but reasons surely shared by the many who adorn those beautiful lips, and certainly those who adore them. Yes I’ve written about painted lips before, and I know I’ll be doing it again and again. Musings that don’t tell the average person who “get’s it” to think twice about it, but rather hopefully encourage those that don’t.


Erotic Art, That’s What’s Sexy This Week


Erotic art, that’s what sexy this week.

We all know I love art of multiple kinds, but one particular genre of the sexuality kind I truly love, is the erotic. I find it compelling, inviting, thought provoking, and downright sexy. To be inspired by erotic art is the very least I can write, because its a combination of all these elements that help to put a smile on a person’s, and their mind!


O Force 2 Male Vibrator Review


O Force 2 Male Vibrator

As many of you remember I was reviewing adult toys in the not so distant past, things changed and I took a break from it. Well I’m back, sort of!

“Therapeutical Aids,” that’s what I call these toys, because sex and orgasm is supposed to be therapeutic, no?

I’m starting back at it with the O Force 2, male masturbator that boasts “five different intensities to produce potent stimulation” provided by two separate motors, the major difference from it’s predecessor the O Force. On first glance, the packaging is simple, sleek, and without the tacky dated pictures of porn stars with that hilariously fake orgasm face. Instructions are printed on the outside of the box with illustrations detailing the 3 AA batteries it requires, the 5 speeds, and that it’s waterproof. Simple enough.


PODCAST with Mark Hughes on Pulling the Trigger

velvet steele transister podcast artwork

Hear me talk the TRUTH about life, love, happiness and how I got here. I talk of sex work, gender, employment, and my life as an activist as one of Vancouver’s fave transsexuals. I had the extreme pleasure to speak with Mark Hughes of Pulling the Trigger in the lead up to PRIDE. What a pleasure to actually express my opinion, something that has gotten me into some trouble, but I don’t truly care. To be a woman with all the right parts for me. It needs to be said. Some of you may like what I have to say, and some won’t……


Sexy This Week; Sexuality


We all have it, and we all present it, whether you like it or not, are conscious of it, or are in full on denial and trying very hard to suppress it. It comes naturally, and for those in control of it and enjoying it to their full advantage, it’s hot, empowering, and a turn on, sexuality and that’s what sexy this week.

As a woman who is transsexual, I am bombarded daily from, for lack of a better term, “nut-jobs” who are telling me that my presentation of my sexuality married with my sexual self, is a little overt and to tone it down a few notches. Well I have a few choice words for you folks;

FUCK YOU! (more…)

Tidbits: Old Age Sex and Sexuality


It’s always ASTOUNDED me how the general populace for the most part think that sex and sexuality stops at a certain age or time in a person’s life, whether it be from meno/manopause, illness, age, death, etc. I could go on here, but I think you get the point. The truth is, it doesn’t, and doesn’t have to either if your libido is waning. Society seems to place that unnecessary belief or as I believe “burden,” on those who are still sexual or displaying their sexuality as though it was a bad thing to be shunned and abhorred by all.


As Seen In; HUSH MAGAZINE The Crotch Watch with Video to Prove It! LOL


The Crotch Watch with Video to Prove it!! LOL




You know what I am talking about: the coy glances to the crotches of a man that has caught your eye, quick darting glances as often as a person blinks throughout the day. Its human nature and for those of us that find ourselves in a state of perpetual heat, these are the actions that happen. For most men, low cut waist lines that dip to extremes like the blouses of fashionably dressed women, is just not an option. Their package is their pride and joy, and putting the goods on display through pants that caress the bulges, carrying the meat and potatoes, housing the family jewels, is a learned art that takes time to develop. You have to know what fashion labels to wear with finesse, to wet that appetite of the viewer, a table to be set for a feast soon to be had.

