
Internet Communication and Networking


For me internet communication and networking is always “dicey” and for a multitude of reasons, particularly if you are a woman, and look a certain way. Like me, most people are always waiting and hoping for that one great deal or opportunity to come their way through the networking they do. Going to great lengths to keeping many profiles on sites most of us haven’t even heard of. Over the years I’ve learned to take it with a grain of salt, so I don’t expect much.

The multitude of carefully constructed and crafted sites that allow you to showcase your talents to prospective clients that are looking for your particular skill set. Along with your written details, these sites also provide you with the option to put your best foot forward for all to see; your profile picture.

This is the spot to shine and grab attention, to keep your photo and written details cohesive for a professional presentation that will have you being taken seriously. Enough so, that those who are making serious enquiries will take the time to read your info and truly absorb what your skills and credentials are all about.


Wacky Wednesday: ERIC STANTON Blast From The Past


I LOVE art, and I am sure that’s no big surprise to most of you out there, who know me well, and those who don’t. I am very influenced but the provocation, the beauty, the colours, and the strength each artist is trying to convey.

One of my favourite blasts from the past is none other than Eric Stanton, Sept. 30/1926—March 17/1999 considered one oferic-stanton-baroness America’s best bondage and fetish illustrators, cartoonist, and comic-book artist, with the majority of his work depicting female dominance scenarios.


Sexy This Week: Discipline

mistress behind slave

Not all of us have it self ingrained, not all of us have what it takes to have someone do it for us or command us the ability to have it, or get it, and I’m not talking about the kind and ultimately with the same underlying context. What I am talking about is discipline, and that’s what’s sexy this week.

Wikipedia, my favourite resource defines it as;
the suppression of base desires, and is usually understood to be synonymous with restraint and self-control. Self-discipline is to some extent a substitute for motivation. Discipline is when one uses reason to determine the best course of action regardless of one’s desires, which may be the opposite of fun. Virtuous behaviour can be described as when one’s values are aligned with one’s aims: to do what one knows is best and to do it gladly. Continent behaviour, on the other hand, is when one does what one knows is best, but must do it by opposing one’s motivations. (more…)

Wacky Wednesday: Alien Egg Laying Sex Dildo

alien egg laying sex dildo

Yes for many of us we have a fixation on aliens and all things other worldly from outer space. We have art, movies, stories fact or fiction, themes, and industrial design out the yin-yang, so it goes without saying that it was just a matter of time that the fixation on things sexual with aliens would rear it’s colourful head.

Depictions in art, in all forms and mediums, furniture, costume, and hot hot erotica. Well now you have it in the form of an egg laying dildo. I am not sure where this lovely one comes from but I have a funny feeling it comes from my favourite freaky assed designers at Bad Dragon, where you’ll find just about anything that tickles your fancy, both inside and out, up and down, and round about. (more…)

Wacky Wednesday: 7 Completely Insane Sex Toy Designs

7 Completely Insane Sex Toys 1

Like the rest of the world things just keep on getting more and more bizarre in the world of sextoys. I am not sure if it is boredom or just truly the thrill seekers wanting newer and “better” items to stick in their orifices, or put their dicks into. I do see a lot of wacky things, and well, have done a lot of wacky things. I am not here to judge, if I did, I wouldn’t be doing some of the things I do in my life, such as advocacy and activism.

However the folks at have come up with a humorous article detailing a few items up for grabs through some of the site I myself shop at.

Have a look, and you be the judges, I’ve even linked the photos to the home site for my dirty fun pictures of these lovelies! You just may find yourself stumped, and as I like to say when lecturing,

Listen, learn, and maybe laugh a little. I do!


Tidbits: Coitus Automobilus

Coitus Automobilus 2

The sex appeal of the automobile has been known for a long time, especially by men. Automobiles designed by men, built for men, driven mostly by men, men. Women weren’t really in the equation except when the car was referred to as a “family car”, the vehicle of choice for growing families, which we know is and was serious advertising bullshit. It wasn’t until the Ford Motor Company finally clued in with the introduction of their pony car, the Mustang, introduced in 1964 as a car for women and heavily marketed with slick and sexy advertising campaigns. A car that boasted simplicity, yet stylish, subtly powerful, and adored by 1964 mustangmany, women that is in the start.

Car appeal has always had people of all sexes in it’s grip. From the moment we first sit in a car we are groomed for the day of privilege we somehow believe we are entitled to, the day we get our driver’s license. That day when we can hop behind the wheel of an automobile and drive our family, friends, selves, and lovers to destinations of our choosing.


Tidbits: VOTING IS SEXY (and horny)!!!

With Canadians headed to the polls this year, maybe we could stimulate them into believing it can be this good and get the currnt nut job out of office! The Spanish seem to have it right as you’ll see in this lovely video!

Podcast: Intravenus-ManUp & Taboo 2015 (Sex Week 2015 SFU)

SFU’s student society is presenting a 3 day “Sex Week” event, focusing on the question of Taboo Talk: Does society’s sexual philosophy play a role in biomedical Harm Reduction. IntraVenus talks via phone to Sex Week guests and official sexperts Velvet Steele and Dr Teesha Morgan about YOU KNOW WHAT. |

And Paige aka PonyBoy, and Sam aka Justin Case, join us to talk about being Drag Kings at Vancouver’s Man:UP, and how portraying men has led to new levels in their feminism and self love.

Tidbits: Sex, Drugs, and……

sex and drugs

For the love of sex, drugs, and ……..

I can’t stress enough how I am definitely no angel, never have been, and probably never will be, but as I move on in life I seriously find myself loving drug free sex. As I mentioned in Sexy This Week # 34. It has so many perks, and I for one can’t tell you enough of how I feel I about that. Ok I do love a good glass of wine, or two in the lead up to a good romp, but the prolonged sloppiness that comes from illicit substances that have gone well beyond their due date leaves me with the feeling it is something to be desired, and I am not desiring that.

I like to enjoy the time with quality over quantity, so I am able to have more throughout the day or go again and again without the fight to have the ultimate orgasm that just ends in frustration. Not to mention the angst a partner, or two may be going through long after your done and trying to sleep or come down.

Frustration that can be coercive, sad, humiliating, annoying, or end up in a seriously bad situation. Let’s remind ourselves that feelings change when you are on another plain, and change they can, and very rapidly.


Tidbits: Old Age Sex and Sexuality


It’s always ASTOUNDED me how the general populace for the most part think that sex and sexuality stops at a certain age or time in a person’s life, whether it be from meno/manopause, illness, age, death, etc. I could go on here, but I think you get the point. The truth is, it doesn’t, and doesn’t have to either if your libido is waning. Society seems to place that unnecessary belief or as I believe “burden,” on those who are still sexual or displaying their sexuality as though it was a bad thing to be shunned and abhorred by all.
