
Sex Workers Speak Out

community talks 1

Originally Posted July 26/14

This is about the Vancouver event held on July 24. Thanks Maggie for this wonderful article!

This entry was posted in Sex Work/ Bill C36 by Maggie. Bookmark the permalink.

Several women inspired me last night. And made me laugh. And cry.

Scarlett Lake and Velvet Steele have made their living from sex work for decades. Last night, for over an hour, they answered questions from a supportive audience about their lives, (more…)

Tidbits; Sex Workers & Violence

Abolitionists are continually telling folks that sex workers don’t have a choice, nor have the ability to make their own choices. What makes them the experts behind their religious front. Did they ask sex workers? Did they ask the other thousands out there? NO, because they don’t want you to have a choice, they don’t want to give you a choice, they don’t want you to have the freedom to make your own choice. Only they are the ones allowed to have a choice in their eyes, and that is frightening, because some politicians are listening, and when one option for choice is taken away, thus begins the trickle down effect diminishing our ability for further choices to be made. (more…)

BAD BiLLS equal BAD LAWS Bill C-36

BILL c-36 analysis

Vancouver Sex Workers and Friends Take to the Streets Protesting Bill C-36


Submitted by NSWP on 17th June 2014
North America and the Caribbean C-36 Criminalisation of clients Sex work
From NSWP member, Triple X reporting on the Red Umbrella March held in Vancouver on the 14th of June in protest of the new regressive Canadian legislation on sex work being proposed. Triple X also developed a leaflet for the march entitled: ‘Why Sex Work Should Not Be A Crime’ which you can download here.

In their own words: sex workers on Canada’s new prostitution bill

Podcasts; CKNW Sunday Night Sex Show


Listen in, you’ll hear me on the last 10 minutes, but the whole thing is GREAT talk with Maureen McGrath. You can find more of the Sunday Night Sex Show here

Tidbits; Opinion: Focus on ‘high-risk lifestyle’ shifts blame from violent perpetrators to their victims

red lips

Here is an opinion article courtesy of the folks at Living in Community by Tricia barnes; a non-profit I am working with here in Vancouver on issues of sex work. This article details the recent murder of two sex workers found murdered in New Westminster and the continued stigmas that the media and other organizations continually place on one of the oldest professions. Good job ladies!

“In separate incidents on Aug. 12 and Aug. 25, two women were found dead in their apartments in the same New Westminster building. Both women were believed to have worked as escorts
