
Sexy This Week; Healthy Obsessions

shoe obsession

We all have them, and in numerous forms. Be it a love of flowers, cars, jewelry, trips to the gym, food and good wine, bras and panties, or beautiful people, WE ALL HAVE THEM! Obsessions! For some it is a simple infatuation, quickly gotten over in a short time, but for those on the move, doing things with ambition, sometimes a little, or lot of inspiration is what those folks need, a healthy obsession, that’s what sexy this week.

Don’t quite understand? Well let me explain with my healthy obsessions.

As I progress through life and age, although I prefer to use the term “mature” because I believe we are all continually doing so, and I hate the word aging, I am striving to continually to perfect or modify myself for good health and longevity. What do I do? One of the things I do is go to the gym 6-7 days a week, of what is soon to be a year long test of myself after a nearly 2 year hiatus. Some would call that obsessive, I call it healthy, and love watching as my body changes. (more…)