

Tidbits: Comfortable In My Own Skin


Am I comfortable in my own skin?

Recently I was asked if I thought I shared to much of myself through all this social media we are all glued at our finger tips to. My answer was a quick and abrupt NO!

Let me tell you why If you’re at all interested in reading to find out.

For the most part I would say that 80% of my journey up until this point has been traversed alone. A road that is sometimes straight and narrow, wide and winding, but for the most part, steep and treacherous. Challenges abound around every corner, out of sight, having left me with no tools or resources to face those challenges, except head on. I’ve learned a lot with this type of approach, but there really was no other way to deal with the challenges I did not see coming. I thought life for the most part would be easy, or at least somewhat along this road, and how wrong I was!
