
Tidbits: Election Erections, Company Has Made Blow-up Versions of Party Leaders


We here in Canada are in an election year, and my oh my some of us want to stick really stick it to some of them, in more ways than one! Well thankfully a company out of the UK has come up with the answer by producing blow up dolls of their favourite politicians. Since it is the UK we may be a little “behind” in getting up on it, because as well know Europe is always mach further ahead when it comes to well, EVERYTHING!!

Hopefully we wont be to far a foot. As this is something more akin to WACKY WEDNESDAY I though I would share it here since it seems more relevant to the political climate in my lovely country of Canada.

I mean, can’t you just imagine sticking it to our current PM? make him gag on it, or better yet give the doll a good reaming!

You be the judge!
