
Sex, Health, Beauty and Lifestyle, My Mantra

conveyance of a lifestyle of sex, health, beauty

Sex, health, beauty and lifestyle. I’m all about them, call me shameless, see if I care? Unbeknownst to me they’ve been my mantra for quite some time, I’ve just never consciously put words to it. Why even in my own “dazed confusions” I’ve branded myself around those four ideologies. Jokingly I’ve proclaimed of myself as having said many times “I was never deep”, but humour aside, and for those that know me, I’m deeper than the oceans blue. So……. let me tell you what I’m up to, and I’ll break it down under each of those four principles .


the lovely Lip Love 8 Mode Suction

In all my years of service provision as a pro domina I’ve had the pleasure, and displeasure, of handling a lot of sex toys. Let me tell you, there is a lot of crap out there. I just don’t know who these folks are that come up with some of that stuff. If it’s just to make money, they’ve certainly succeeded in duping the unsuspecting consumer. Hopefully I’ll be able to shed some light on that with the reviews I plan to continue on.

However it’s not just about sex toys, lubes, lotions and potions, with sex, there is so much more. Sexuality, sexual identity, preference, activities, growth and healing, all kinds of aspects, and my opinions and musings to share. I think you get my drift.


Commodity Me!

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commodity[ kuh-mod-i-tee ]SHOW IPA
noun, plural com·mod·i·ties.
an article of trade or commerce, especially a product as distinguished from a service.
something of use, advantage, or value.
Stock Exchange. any unprocessed or partially processed good, as grain, fruits, and vegetables, or precious metals.
Obsolete. a quantity of goods.

I’m a commodity, commodity me! Most of us know what “commodity’ means, when applied to inanimate objects, but when applied to living beings, heavens forbid, a furor ensues. The belief held by many, that human beings just cannot, be commodified! Well guess what, you’re wrong!

I’m a sex worker, a service provider of fetish and a good portion of interests therein. I write a ‘good portion’ simply because I have my boundaries, I’m not a “free for all” provider, but a professional that caters to a select set of interests. Just ask me, I’ll gladly supply you with that info.


Ageism, It’s Plain Ugly


prejudice or discrimination on the grounds of a person’s age.

Let’s be honest, there is no better to way to describe ageism but as plain ugly, and for many engaged in sex work, they too are no strangers to the ageist attitudes of those ugly enough to inflict it.

Sex work is complex delicate work that nurtures the souls of those that seek out the services of providers gracious enough to that provide what they need. A delicate nurturing of mind, body, and soul, so it’s no wonder that those who become attached to their provider, stick with them for a very long time. Over the course of that relationship factors that usually dictate otherwise are obvious, retirement, an address change to a new city or location, and in many circumstances, even death. Just to name a few.

Sex work is an industry that has nurtured a youthful appearance towards sex and sexuality, in favour of overlooking the fact, the population ages. That sex is only for and had by the physically young, which begs the question; what of the young at heart, mind, and soul? Bonds between a client and provider are forged in steel and for those that are willing to go that extra mile, these bonds can be everlasting.


Lip Prints


Lip prints left behind for all to enjoy!

The application of lipstick truly is an art form. Luscious lips enhanced in vivid sensual colours to enlarge, define and captivate curious onlookers are all the rage world wide. Well maybe not the “rage”, but certainly a fashion statement that for those in the know are worn well for all the right reasons.

Reasons of my own, but reasons surely shared by the many who adorn those beautiful lips, and certainly those who adore them. Yes I’ve written about painted lips before, and I know I’ll be doing it again and again. Musings that don’t tell the average person who “get’s it” to think twice about it, but rather hopefully encourage those that don’t.


A Playful Flirt and a Giggle


A playful flirt and a giggle, that’s what’s sexy this week.

Human interaction is super important, interaction of the positive kind. Forget the stalkers, sleazebags, and despicable low-lifes who truly only deserve a baseball bat upside the head for a little tune-up. No I’m talking about the attention from playful fun when one is out and about, that comes from innocent friendliness.

Innocent is the key word here, since many interpret these actions as seduction. Misinterpretations made by people who don’t have the skills to know the difference, as it shouldn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

Over a coffee with my girlfriend Brit, a sassy buxom blonde, I sat and listened as she told me of her exploits while on her last holiday. Exploits I realized, are not far off from my own when I’m out in the world. What we also agreed on was the fun that came from a playful compliment, or a flirt. Fun that we both knew wasn’t going to go anywhere except validation as the people we are. Gregarious, life loving gals, who dress-up for every occasion including a trip to the laundry room!


The Art of Casual Conversation with a Stranger, for Sexy This Week

sexy-this week- lost-art-casual-conversation-with-strangers-coffee-shop-1

The art of casual conversation with a stranger, that’s what’s sexy this week.

Actually, it’s more like the lost art of casual conversation, and all a person needs to do is look around themselves once they’ve unglued their faces from their phones. Those little devices we’ve wired ourselves to the world with, the electronic annoyance that has become for many, a buffer from actual connection to the land of the living.


The Pretty Little Leaf

Pretty Red Little Leaf

The Pretty little leaf is what’s sexy this week!

There I was, shit, showered and shaved, dressed and ready for the day, over my morning anxiety with my “kick ass” attitude dialed in at a level ten as I went out the door to face the day. My clothes perfectly coordinated of complimentary colours, matching jewelry, makeup applied with the precision of surgeon, and my hair all neatly hot-rollered and set. I was ready! With chin held high, shoulders back, tits out, and stomach in, I walked to the bus stop to patiently wait with all the other morning riders.

On the bus, I made myself comfortable for the 15 minute ride to the skytrain reading the morning paper as we rode over the bumps and potholes that dotted the downtown streets of beautiful Vancouver; the city I call home. The bus’s arrival at the skytrain always greats me with a certain amount of irony, its the skytrain, but at this juncture it runs underground. It always gives me a brief moment of contemplation as I descend to the train’s platform quietly crop dusting as I make my way deeper into the ground.


The Male Chest in a Fitted Dress Shirt, That’s Whats Sexy This Week!

I’m not one to shy away from shameless exploitation of the sexes, especially if it’s all in good fun. As we slowly ebb into fall, all those beach bodies on glorious flagrant display are opting to modestly disappear behind the opaque barriers of fabric. With the fall, comes the addition of clothes for the creatures of the beach, setting the stage for a new form of ogling to take place.

The male chest in a well fitted dress shirt, that’s what sexy this week.

I love the cut of a well tailored dress shirt and the way it fits the body. The buttons, the cuffs and collar, yoke, colours and patterns, sewn together to form the garment worn for business, casual, or a hot night out. Well pressed and starched to lay smooth across a well defined chest and dutifully conceal the results of long hours at the gym.






Fairytales and Castles, That’s What’s Sexy This Week

Rosenborg Castle, Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark

My family hails from a small but steeped in history country, Denmark, a country of fairytales and castles. Soft rolling hills, green pastures, 1000 year old cities. A country surrounded by bodies of water that cradle this now peaceful land like two gentle hands that meet at the tip top in a place called Skagen. The trip to Skagen is magical as you drive you through countrysides of soft rolling hills, and sand dunes that have a life of their own, that literally eat up the buildings of yesteryear. Creamy white sand reclaiming what man has made returning it to the elements from whence it came. Sexy This week-fairytales-castles-Skagens-sand-engulfed-churchA road trip we took many times through country dotted with architecture and structures from a time gone by. Structures of stone and metal, manors, and castles of grandeur, that for most people can only imagine seeing in their dreams. Dreams that bring to life stories, feelings, and thoughts of hope and the future, fairytales and castles, that’s what sexy this week.
