
Sexy This Week; Hairy Forearms

hairy forearm

Manscaping is a good thing, but these days it has been taken to extremes in my eyes and the beholders of many others. What started off as a process to clean up the hair from unruly eyebrows, legs, backs and butt crack, seems to have extended beyond that to the forearms of so many overly processed pretty boys. Looking at smooth forearms evokes images of prepubescent boys, that make even the most tolerant give their heads a shake. Hairy forearms on a man, that’s what’s sexy this week.

Hair on a man is not all coarse and prickly, but quite the contrary, soft, downy and wonderful to touch! Even the legs, of which the women and men into men, know the feel of hairy legs rubbing up against their own in the heated frictions of passion, (more…)