Fat burners and metabolism my intrinsic link was something I discovered rather by accident. Again I’ve made it no secret that I’m no spring chicken. The struggle to accept that youth truly is wasted on the young. Learning to welcome the fact we all age, is a constant struggle I’d rather live without.
What I was able to accomplish in my younger times, seemed so easy, but as the years pass by, it’s a constant, now conscious struggle. My body slowing down, my mind and energy tiring, and the ever present struggle with weight management. My physical fitness routine, once accomplished with an element of ease to gain the results I so wanted, and got, is now a small battle of the bulge.
Muscles get softer and harder to maintain, and my time spent at the gym, is just that little bit longer. Ho hum, it’s all of our realities, not just me. A slowing metabolism, that makes you listless, and gain that weight, even with all that careful dietary control and lifestyle changes.
Collagen, the long forgotten protein essential for our wellbeing!
In 2015, I took it upon myself to do something a little different. Thought a little crazy by many, but to compete in a figure competition. It wasn’t so much a no brainer for me, but more the careful encouragement of my small group of close friends who believe in me.
I was already well into my physical fitness lifestyle of high cardio and weight lifting, but to be on a stage I needed to step up my game. If I was to get anywhere near what those career competitors were doing, buckling down, was something I had to get serious about.
So…..I decided to take the plunge after I got over my initial anxiety. Yes, my apprehension wasn’t just about looking good and being able to pass, but if I was truly capable of upping my game at the gym.
For those of you that know my history, I’m careful to take great care of my appearance, and how I present myself to the world. I’m tall, and at 6’1” (however when I measured at the contest sign in, I was 5’11 3/4”, clearly I’d shrunk) consider myself to be fortunate in the gene department, making for what I call, an amazon. Better yet, a “glamazon”.
Not only did I have to lose some weight to fit within the designated classes, I also had to increase my muscle tone. Something most folks outside the world of body building just don’t understand. Almost all believe you need too seriously bulk to gain that muscle. Well I can honestly tell you, that’s not the case.
I got to it!
I upped my cardio, varying the activity within my 30 minute routine from the stationary bike, to the elliptical machine, rowing, and whatever else activity I could fluctuate between. If I wasn’t drenched in sweat, I just hadn’t reached my peak performance. When I couldn’t fit in a cardio session, which I did with every training, I opted to interval train. I upped the intensity during my training so I perspired as though I had used the cardio machines.
Before and After
One key element to my workout I changed, was switching to body weight training. I did this to maximize my muscle tone development, and accelerate my weight loss. It worked like a charm. Trx straps, stretch bands, glide pads, cables, barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, floor work, any activity that forced me to engage my core muscles. NO SEATED MACHINES!
What I hadn’t anticipated, was the dull ache in my joints that started to occur. First my big toes, then ankles, knees, lower spine, shoulder caps and finally fingers. It was this strange progression through my body that started in my feet. A wearisome throb that took some time to dissipate after I had left the gym.
This just wasn’t going to work, especially if I was to traipse across a stage in 4” lucite heels, clad only in a bikini and a fake tan.
Research, so I got to work doing my homework on what I could do to alleviate this nuisance soreness. Thinking of my joints, the source of my burn, I came across Collagen. You know, Collagen?
The most abundant protein in the human body, found in the bones, muscles, skin, and tendons. The substance that holds the body together. Forming the framework to provide strength and structure. Wikipedia spells it all out for you!
It occurred to me, that this could quite possibly be the source of my aches and pains. The lack thereof, not from my diet alone, but from the natural aging process of the body. Yes I’m no spring chicken, but as my father says; “I want to live a healthy active life until my shoes are permanently parked by the front door”!
He’s right, a mantra to live by.
With the help of my gang at Body Energy Club, I started supplementing with Collagen in my morning shakes, cereal and or coffee. Learning and sampling what the different kinds do, or can do. Getting the right one for me. Upping my doses to twice a day, once in the morning, and at night, usually before bed. Slowly but surely, over the span of a 3-4 weeks that nagging soreness gradually began to fade.
My training got better, more intense, I got stronger, lost the weight, and gained the muscle tone I so desperately needed. Not only for the competition, but my everyday life. I feel more active and capable, quite possibly I could say refreshed.
It’s a supplement I plan to keep in my routine, you should too. It works!
The human body is an amazing machine that for the most part, many take for granted without a thought or a care as to how it works and the great care it takes to keep it running at optimal performance. We eat, sleep, and breathe, the basics, to keep our bodies running smoothly, but each of those three basics are much more complex than the oblivious and ignorant care to take the time to learn about. Learning about how your body works, and the process to maintain it’s mobility and optimal functioning, that’s whats sexy the week.
Good mental and physical health is essential to our well being, we all know that, we’re all taught that from an early age. Having the “where with all” to maintain it, that’s a different story, a life long journey, and to some, a challenge that requires a serious amount of will power. Getting up each and every day to do your exercise isn’t always motivation that comes naturally, not a lot in this world these days is natural and you have “yours truly” to attest to that. What it requires is some serious discipline, serious self discipline, and fitness through discipline is what’s sexy this week.
Each day I go to the gym for my workouts I am greeted by the hard working, committed trainers that go out each and every day to provide their knowledge and care to those that need it. Sharing their expertise and commitment to good mental, and physical health. Let’s get one thing clear, they are human to, and you can bet your bottom dollar they go through the same things any other person involved in the world of fitness does, the challenges to keep up the pace. Not everyone bounds out of bed with a smile or endless energy, not everyone has a clear healthy mind, not everyone is ready for the day. It takes discipline to push yourself through and beyond, to do so everyday, and only you have the control to do so, no one else.
Recently I did a 24 hour road trip, 12 hours there, 12 hours back, being cooped up in a car non-stop each way. I keep telling myself it is relaxing, calming, I can read my books, magazines, listen to music, have a nap, watch the scenery go by and hope for a glimpse of the wild life that’s here in beautiful British Columbia, but for fuck’s sake, IT’S EXHAUSTING! Who am I trying to kid, I barely napped, didn’t read at all, found the music irritating, and yes, truly did enjoy the black bears, and elk along the way, but the rest, you can have it!
I did venture to the gym at my destination, and that was seriously refreshing, however on my return I started to get back into my routine but on my second day back, slept through an early morning TRX class. Me the “uber” Domina couldn’t even get my own lazy, undisciplined ass out of bed! WTF!!?? I only had myself to blame, no one else, I felt crappy, lazy, and seriously apologetic that I left a hole in my trainer’s class, cause my butt was to snuggled in!
In the words of NIKE, just do it! Get out there and feel good, breathe deeply the beautiful air, work that body, get the blood pumping, and put a smile on that face!