
Wacky Wednesday: ERIC STANTON Blast From The Past


I LOVE art, and I am sure that’s no big surprise to most of you out there, who know me well, and those who don’t. I am very influenced but the provocation, the beauty, the colours, and the strength each artist is trying to convey.

One of my favourite blasts from the past is none other than Eric Stanton, Sept. 30/1926—March 17/1999 considered one oferic-stanton-baroness America’s best bondage and fetish illustrators, cartoonist, and comic-book artist, with the majority of his work depicting female dominance scenarios.


Wacky Wednesday: PLUSH by Marilyn Minter; Some Pubic Consumption

MM pubes

I love presentations of female sexuality, created and presented by women. It has a very distinct and different feel than the art produced by their male counterparts in the art world. Less objectified, if we can say that, although I am not opposed to a some objectification now and then.MarilynMinter_Brooch

Marilyn Minter is just such a woman.

To say her work is unique is an understatement, she has worked with photo, video, and paintings producing work with lush vivid colours evoking emotive desire around the female form and beauty in all it’s shapes and sizes. Her work spans over three decades.


Wacky Wednesday: The ‘Dildo Maker’

dildo maker 1

So for those of you out there willing to find and use almost anything to stuff in one your eager orifices, and you who you are, have I got one for you!

The Dildo Maker!

Although it only really does a keen job of polishing a knob on the end of whatever you stick into it after giving a turn of the crank, the lumps and bumps are still left on the remainder of the shaft, left to your own devices so to speak. It appears to be only a concept, but a fun one to say the least. (more…)

Wacky Wednesday; Golden Poop

golden poop

Just when you thought art couldn’t get any better, ART, just keeps on getting better. For that little something extra for the asshole in your life is this lovely piece of poop, albeit steam free. Coiled up like the view many of you get when you turn back for that wipe and quick glance into the bowl of your own piece of art that many tend to brag about to friends, family, and loved ones. On the flip side, I can think of delivering this lovely golden coil to those most deserving, a lovely reminder of the truly golden piece of shit they are! That is however, the way I am interpreting this lovely piece of art. After all, art truly is in the eye of the beholder! 🙂

For more fun and thought provoking pieces have a gander at what the folks at The Plaid Zebra have “compiled for you. Truly inspiring!

Tidbits; Nudity For Art’s Sake, An Informal Adventure

nude drawing

I’ve done a lot of things in my life, all because I wanted to!

My choice of schooling, occupations, travel, they way I look and dress, surgeries, cosmetic procedures, basically everything, to be, me. However along the way a few things I found challenging aside from my honesty, were my early days of nude modelling. No I am not talking sex related or other, but for art’s sake, things like photography, life drawing , sculpture class, and character design for video games.

Coming back from SRS in England didn’t mean that I was ready to simply dive right in. It took time, a lot of time, and for those that know me, it was easier to hide behind the fetish clothes and slink out into the night of the local club scene all sexed up. (more…)

Tidbits; Gynaecology 101, The Art of the Tasteful Presentation

Playboy 1953

When Playboy first hit the stands in 1953 with Marilyn Monroe as it’s cover star, it was deemed as racy, sexist, in poor taste, and an instant hit! Inside were not only ads, opinions, and articles, but photo spreads. Beautiful, art directed productions in vivid colour, exquisitely set decked, perfect hair and make-up, and tastefully presented. Such was the style of the day in all “men’s” magazines, art, photography, and pretty much all depictions of female nudity and sensuality.

Pin-ups were all over the place, and long before Playboy, in the form of artist renderings and photos created mostly for the troops abroad fighting for our rights and freedoms. Renderings that gave most of these men a glimmer of hope for their triumphant return to their home country and for what life would hold for pin-up1them afterwards. Presentations (more…)