
Ageism, It’s Plain Ugly


prejudice or discrimination on the grounds of a person’s age.

Let’s be honest, there is no better to way to describe ageism but as plain ugly, and for many engaged in sex work, they too are no strangers to the ageist attitudes of those ugly enough to inflict it.

Sex work is complex delicate work that nurtures the souls of those that seek out the services of providers gracious enough to that provide what they need. A delicate nurturing of mind, body, and soul, so it’s no wonder that those who become attached to their provider, stick with them for a very long time. Over the course of that relationship factors that usually dictate otherwise are obvious, retirement, an address change to a new city or location, and in many circumstances, even death. Just to name a few.

Sex work is an industry that has nurtured a youthful appearance towards sex and sexuality, in favour of overlooking the fact, the population ages. That sex is only for and had by the physically young, which begs the question; what of the young at heart, mind, and soul? Bonds between a client and provider are forged in steel and for those that are willing to go that extra mile, these bonds can be everlasting.


Sexy This Week: The Beauty of Ages

Carmen Dell'orefice

As time ticks on, so do we and in the words of a David Bowie song

“Pretty soon now you’re gonna get older
Time may change me
But I can’t trace time”

Poetic words to live by and let’s be honest we are all fighting it to some degree, and if not gracefully, then pretty damn ugly. I am no “negative nelly” when it comes to having the services of a cosmetic surgeon attend to my upkeep, hell no! I am all for it, but there are definitely times when going overboard looks as though you’ve been out to sea for months on end, stranded by yourself in a dingy with nothing else but you and your urine. In other words a hot mess!!
