
Sex Workers Speak Out

community talks 1

Originally Posted July 26/14

This is about the Vancouver event held on July 24. Thanks Maggie for this wonderful article!

This entry was posted in Sex Work/ Bill C36 by Maggie. Bookmark the permalink.

Several women inspired me last night. And made me laugh. And cry.

Scarlett Lake and Velvet Steele have made their living from sex work for decades. Last night, for over an hour, they answered questions from a supportive audience about their lives, (more…)

Tidbits; Guy or a Girl?


To be or not to be? That’s always been the question, and most likely always will be. When I set out on my own journey to be happy in my own skin, I must say I was somewhat naive to certain aspects that were to come along with it. Aspects that girls, and women go through on a daily basis. I am not going to outright spell it out for you, but because I can, and will, within the context of this tidbit, be somewhat vague.

I’ve always been androgynous, something I was able to use to my advantage in my early days of advertising professional fetish services; “Androgynous Pretty Boy/Girl Will Whip You Into Shape!” It paid off, clients got it and so did the rest in my social circle. At the time I was still very much immersed in dealing with my own dysphoria, (more…)

Tidbits; Boobies


Tits, boobs, juggs, ta taas, knockers, breasts, fun bags, the girls, guns, the rack, the top 10 slang names given to those beautiful orbs that adorn the chest of the amply endowed women, and some men. Like it or not, they are the ultimate in defining femininity for those who have embraced wearing them up and out there on full display for the world to see and enjoy. I am not talking about running around with them airborne, but rather presented in their full voluptuous glory, of which I for one am happy to see, and, do myself.

The sign that a woman is coming into adolescence and then again sexual prime, are the growing orbs, the first thing noticed by the throngs of boys and jealous girls in middle school, those bouncy, fleshy mounds, the first thing noticed and remembered. (more…)

Tidbits; Sex Workers & Violence

Abolitionists are continually telling folks that sex workers don’t have a choice, nor have the ability to make their own choices. What makes them the experts behind their religious front. Did they ask sex workers? Did they ask the other thousands out there? NO, because they don’t want you to have a choice, they don’t want to give you a choice, they don’t want you to have the freedom to make your own choice. Only they are the ones allowed to have a choice in their eyes, and that is frightening, because some politicians are listening, and when one option for choice is taken away, thus begins the trickle down effect diminishing our ability for further choices to be made. (more…)

Tidbits; Life In The Sex Shop Comes In All Ages


Life at the sex shop isn’t always about the young, beautiful, and physically fit venturing through the doors for the latest and greatest of sex toys on the market. It’s a variety of folks that come from all walks of life, of all backgrounds, cultural beliefs, religions, anything and everything, you name it, we see it. I realized long ago working as a sex educator and at the sex shop, that sex doesn’t stop as a person ages, let alone when a person loses a loved one. In particular someone who has been with an individual all their loving adult life. (more…)

Tidbits; Interview with Romeo Reyes

Here is an interview I recently did with Romeo Reyes of Zen Tattoo, who also happens to be one of my tattoo artists. Romeo is a FtM on his journey  of life and asked if I would sit for him! Being the media whore I am naturally I said yes!! Watch my shy self all casual in a chat with Romeo!! OOXX  Find Romeo here

Tidbits; A Little Raunch Please!

velvet steele catsuit

Messing up the sheets with passionate, romantic sex is always on the table. Everyone of all sexes loves to be wined, dined, and romanced as enticement for sexual activity. Lit candles, flowers, chocolates, gifts, generally lay the ground work for the type of sex a person is about to have, romantic, loving sex. Sex that is definitely with it’s merit, because sex of any kind, at anytime, is always good, and as we all know good for many reasons. However, what if a little raunch is what you’re wanting? How do you get it, ask for it, and what’s it that you’re hoping for or wanting?

How does the cute brunette that loved to be passionately kissed while in the missionary position, go to doggy style being pummelled at the speed of light with her hair held like the reigns of a thoroughbred in a dead heat for winning the Brown Derby? The sexual practices indulged as youth were for the most part a serious learning curve, an educational journey that got us to the types of play we enjoy as determined adults. What was once loved and cherished as the sometimes awkward sexual activities for most in their youth, is not the case anymore. (more…)

Tidbits; SWANNzine; Supporting Women’s Alternatives Network of Vancouver

SWANNzine logo

Spotlight on Community Partner This month, SWAN talked to sexual health educator, sex work activist and dominatrix Velvet Steele and asked her about lube.


For PDF click for download Summer 2014 SWANzine

velvet steele topless by rick legal censored (for unsensored visit the page))


Uncensored visit here

Tidbits; Nudity For Art’s Sake, An Informal Adventure

nude drawing

I’ve done a lot of things in my life, all because I wanted to!

My choice of schooling, occupations, travel, they way I look and dress, surgeries, cosmetic procedures, basically everything, to be, me. However along the way a few things I found challenging aside from my honesty, were my early days of nude modelling. No I am not talking sex related or other, but for art’s sake, things like photography, life drawing , sculpture class, and character design for video games.

Coming back from SRS in England didn’t mean that I was ready to simply dive right in. It took time, a lot of time, and for those that know me, it was easier to hide behind the fetish clothes and slink out into the night of the local club scene all sexed up. (more…)