The Art of Casual Conversation with a Stranger, for Sexy This Week

The art of casual conversation with a stranger, that’s what’s sexy this week.
Actually, it’s more like the lost art of casual conversation, and all a person needs to do is look around themselves once they’ve unglued their faces from their phones. Those little devices we’ve wired ourselves to the world with, the electronic annoyance that has become for many, a buffer from actual connection to the land of the living.
We see it everyday, folks walking into lamp posts, into traffic, and glaring down into their hands. Playing bullshit games at fevered pitches, games designed to control you from having any personal thought of your own, let alone observance of anything or anyone around you. All focused on texting nonsense to someone you’d rather not be. Yes this is bit of a personal rant, but it’s one many of us share. Look around you and see just what I am writing about here. On the bus, train, plane, street, waiting rooms, even some dinner tables folks with that zombie stare and glare.
I myself have taken to the pleasure of looking around myself when out and about. Being aware of what’s around me and who’s around me. Not just because of my personal three feet of space I covet, but because I want to take it all in and see what the real world has to offer. The trees, bees, plants and seas, mountains in the morning, to name a few, but another important element, the faces of those doing the same as I.
I’ve made it clear about how I feel about giving a stranger a compliment, or look them in the eyes when addressing someone. It’s about connection, human connection of a non-sexual kind, an uplifting positive connection, a good connection. It’s stimulating, pleasurable, eye opening, and a learning experience, feelings I can’t begin to describe. I knew when I sat to write this that there were folks who have studied and written papers on just how good it is to talk with strangers, I just didn’t know how many. Do a google search when you’re not out and about, you’ll see what I mean.
To me coffee shops, streets, busses, trains, planes, and the world of people was meant for living and communicating face to face, talking. Introducing yourself, saying hello, paying a compliment, and hearing someone else’s story, to learn it, love it, and possibly live it.
I never understood why many favour teaching their children not to talk to strangers, rather than teach them how to talk to strangers, because it is an art. It’s an art that has been lost for some time and should be taught from an early age, and for those in dispute, the internet has already proven that thought. The nasty truth with all these trolls and predators on the loose behind their screens. Cowards actually, because the real of face to face communication is for the brave who choose to chance it.
The art of casual conversation with a stranger, that’s whats sexy this week.