Wacky Wednesday: Porn Sex vs Real Sex
Ok so here is a little fun video helping to break down the typical stereotypes of what the jaded or plain old dumb think a typical vagina looks like. The comparison between porn and real world is interesting to say the least and the video does go on to describe a few other things. What it doesn’t talk about when it comes to porn is the back ground prep of douching, waxing, cleaning, lubing, the stop and start, and the fact that a lot of performers and women in the real world are opting for cosmetic procedures to make their pussy more aesthetically pleasing to themselves and others. That’s only the tip of the iceberg.
I do find it a cute video, don’t et me wrong, but it is important to point out the differences in what is the business of porn, and the unrealistic aspects that come with it. Not without saying that there are a lot of unrealistic aspects attached to real world sex. Some of it due to porn, and a lot of it from uneducated ignorance.
Ain’t life a peach?