Wacky Wednesday: Geometric Porn (You Be The Judge)

Geometric Porn T-shirt

Common geometry surrounds us everywhere we look in the form and shapes of squares, rectangles, circles, octagons, and the “triangle”. These shapes are the basis structures for a lot of common design, not only from the obvious of buildings and cars, but to faces, body types, hair styles, clothes, plants, and the list, is endless. All you have to do is look a little more closely and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

Having art education, I can tell that when I comes to figure drawing, you are trained to begin drawing the body using squares, rectangles, circles, and triangles, and build the body drawing from those most basic shapes. It was, and is a great tool for helping when the beginner, or the most advanced artist finds themselves at roadblock when creating the next latest and greatest masterpiece.

The creator at GeometricPorn took it one step further and created an app that was rejected by Google and Apple. Rejected by Apple for these reasons;

Reasons for Rejection:

16.1: Apps that present excessively objectionable or crude content will be rejected. We found that many audiences would find your app concept objectionable, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.

GeometricPorn is a project by Luciano Foglia, a multidisciplinary visual artist. He has been working in the design industry for over ten years focusing on interactive design, code based animations and music.

His reason for creating this stunning work of art is;

Something abstract existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence. Visual geometry containing the non-explicit description of sexual organs or activity. Arising in the mind it intends to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings.

Fear not, although the prudes at Apple and Google both rejected it, he has made it free to all you lucky android users. Just hop on over to GeometricPorn and download to your hearts content! He also has some sexy t-shirts there I’m sure you’ll love!!

I do!!