Wacky Wednesday; Doggie Dildo Chew Toys


Dildos find themselves in the oddest of places, not just the familiar spaces originally designed and intended for. Once a person has had their fill they seem to end up in the bottom of the garbage can so no one can see the evidence of what has been getting you off as of late.west-end-dildo-chew-toy

However here in the picturesque West End of Vancouver as evidenced by this lovely picture (to the right) a friend took, and immediately shared with me (although I can’t figure out why) they don’t always make it to the intended place of discard. That also includes toys that aren’t quite ready for the bone yard.

Many make it to the eager mouths of Rover, and can you blame the pooch?

Have you been to the pet supply store as of late? All that fabulous rubber and plastic to chew on? Kong rover-chewing-dildochew toys, pull toys, frisbees, knobbed balls, bones, squeaky chew toys, pretty enticing if you ask me!

Think about it, dogs love smell, and given where some of those adult toys have been……

Keep in mind no matter how well washed they get, they still retain a little, or a lot of scent that only the keen nose of Rover can pick up, and that’s enticement enough to good to pass up. Ask yourself how many times you’ve had a dog sniff your crotch, ass, leg and then start humping merrily away? It’s what they do, they live vicariously through their nose so you can’t really blame them, can you?

Of course dogs aren’t the only ones that love a little rooting through the drawers and cupboards of mom’s and dad’s, kids do to! They find it all, and if you think you’ve got it all hidden, guess again, they find it and play with it.

Here’s a few videos for you to enjoy! the only thing that may be NSFW is your laughter!


The innocence is to much not to enjoy, even IKEA figured that one out!


