Sexy This Week; Nipples
We all have them, and there is some serious debate as to why men do, since according to science they serve no biological purpose like that of a woman’s. Ask anyone and everyone else outside of the scientific realm and they’ll be sure to tell you a very different story! Aside from supplying newborns with the necessary nutrients for sustaining life, they are loaded with nerves capable of the sensations necessary to amplify a heathy sex life. Nipples, round, nubbly, button like mounds, they are flesh, and super SEXY THIS WEEK.
Beyond the biological aspect these love buttons provide all sexes with the pleasure that is a direct connection to the genitals of the nether region. Whatever your taste is in human physicality we can all agree that nipples illicit a similar desire in all who gaze, touch, lick and nibble on them; sexual desire and response.
To look at they are enticing, drawing the viewer in for a longer, deeper look attached to a chest that rises and falls with each breath, tickled to erection as they gently rub against the fabric of the wearer. Standing on end, of varying shades, hypnotizing you to touch smooth skin, play with those that are gently haired, or grip a lush mane. Nipples in need of sensual touch to bring forth blood flow to energize lazy nerves.
Nipples that are wet with sweat or water, nipples playing a shadow dance under a billowy t-shirt light in colour with little left to the imagination except to remove those trappings and lick the moisture from them with an eager probing tongue. A gentle tongue that slowly springs forth to taste the salt and let full lips follow, open, to kiss and suck engorged full mounds throbbing with excitement. To feel pulsations now active in the warming flesh that sits atop muscular hardness, or fleshy softness, now deserved of the attention they are receiving as breathe becomes quicker and deeper.
Nipples to be nibbled on gently, or aggressively, rolled between teeth, locked in an embrace for a hidden tongue to glide across and tease even further while strong hands grip breasts bringing them forward to get truly a mouthful. Nipples to be lightly fingered, rubbed, or flicked to hard statue like proportions with soft hands, fingers and thumbs caressing goose bumped skin.
Nipples begging for more!