
Transgender Day of Remembrance TDOR


Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR), also known as the International Transgender Day of Remembrance, is observed annually on November 20 as a day to memorialize those who have been murdered as a result of transphobia and to draw attention to the continued violence endured by the transgender community. However, for many of us it means so much more and in different ways. Transgender Day of Remembrance, that’s what’s important this week.


Tidbits; Transgender Day Of Remembrance TDOR

TDOR in pink

As much as I like to think I am, I’M NOT! I am not immune to the hate that fills those who feel it their right to lash out and hurt those of us on this planet that are different. Those who have chosen to become happy in our own skin. Those like me!

I sit here writing this as a woman who is post-op transsexual having gone through all the procedures necessary for me to become happy. I am a woman inside and out, a woman now comfortable in my own skin, looking and feeling great, loving life, the liberties I fought hard for, and sex, yes sex! I love it, and so do the partners that have, and had the pleasure to share it with me.

I guess you could say I made up for lost time, and well, still am.

I am also a woman that sits here writing this with the memories of the stabbings I have endured, the knife slashes, the beer bottle wounds from being bashed, scars where chunks of flesh have been torn out by teeth from my attackers, the broken bones long since healed that still ache, areas on my head where the hair doesn’t grow back, (more…)