Sexy This Week: Education

Knowledge is key, knowledge is power, and with it anyone can go anywhere with it while using it to their own advantage. For many it is a life long ambition the pursuit of knowledge, and for others they are content never setting foot in a classroom ever again basking in what some would call ignorance or just stubborn behaviour. Learning about your passions, or interests whether for pleasure of business, getting an education, that’s what sexy this week.

As youngsters we go to school usually not of our own choice, or so we think, as we would rather spend our days in play, play, and even more play. When we are older, more mature, we begin to develop our own interests and set in motion the actions necessary to facilitate the education of our own choices.

Filling our minds with beautiful knowledge, images to remember or conjure up, solutions to determine, questions to formulate, art to create. We work our bodies at the gym or to varying degrees in our daily activities, but in the words of the one of the greatest campaign slogans; “a mind is a terrible thing to waste!”

Many do not continue on the path they originally set out on, but many carve a new path, transform it into something else, adapt it, completely change it, re-schooling themselves along the way. Simply believing in oneself is all one has to do, follow through with it, and at any age.books

Look up your new interests, read about them, research them, enrol in a new program, or an old one. Take a refresher, learn something new, go with friends, or by yourself, stimulate oneself, open your mind to new and exciting ideas, concepts, and thoughts, colour your mind.

The brain is one of the largest organs and according to many, the most underused.

Remember, education at any age is sexy sexy sexy!